
Տեքստի կամիր գույնով նշված նախադասությունները դաևձրեք հարցական և ժխտական

Jen the Hen and her three little chickens are in the street. Are Jen the Hen and her three little chickens  in the street? Jen the Hen and her three little chickens are not in the street.

The children are happy. Are the children happy? The children are not happy

Can you help me? You can not help me.

I am fine. Am I fine? I am not  fine

Նախադասությունների ընդգծված բառերը փոխարինիր համապատասխան դերանուններով՝ we, he, she, it, they. օրինակ՝ Ann is my sister. She is my sister.

  1. Tom and Mike are good friends. They are good friends.
  2. My brother and I like to swim. We like to swim.
  3. Mary is a beautiful girl. She is a beautiful girl.
  4. The dog is a black dog. It is a black dog.
  5. Bob can ride a bike. He can ride a bike.